3. PlotJuggler eProsima Edition Docker image

eProsima distributes a Docker image of PlotJuggler eProsima Edition with Ubuntu 20.04 as base image. This image launches the PlotJuggler application with the Fast DDS Visualizer Plugin already installed and sourced.

  1. This Docker image was built for Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa).

    To run this container you need Docker installed. From a terminal run

    sudo apt install docker.io

  2. Download the compressed Docker image in .tar format from the eProsima’s downloads page. It is strongly recommended to download the image corresponding to the latest version of Fast DDS Visualizer Plugin.

  3. Extract the image by executing the following command:

    docker load -i ubuntu-plotjuggler-eprosima-edition:<version>.tar

    where version is the downloaded version of Fast DDS Visualizer Plugin.

  4. Run the Docker container executing the following command:

    xhost local:root
    docker \
        --net=host \
        --privileged -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \

    After executing the previous command you should be able to see the application running. Check the following section Start Fast DDS Visualizer Plugin to learn how to start the Fast DDS Visualizer Plugin.

3.1. Fast DDS Suite

eProsima distributes a Docker image with several features and applications regarding dds, including the PlotJuggler eProsima Edition. Check section PlotJuggler eProsima Edition within Fast DDS Suite to learn how to download and use the Fast DDS Suite.